Frequently Asked Questions

Monthly Bills

Bills for service will be rendered monthly and are due in 20 days from the mailing of the invoice. The term “monthly” for billing purposes will mean the period between any two consecutive readings of the meters by City Corporation, such readings to be taken as nearly as practicable every 30 days. When City Corporation is unable to read a meter after reasonable effort, the customer will be billed on an estimated consumption based on the best available information.
Failure to receive bills in no way exempts a customer from payment of those bills.

Bills may be paid through the mail, through our website (, or at the City Corporation Business Office located at 205 W 3rd PI. For proper credit, always include the bottom portion of the bill with the payment. To aid in the processing of the payment and to insure proper credit, please write the account number on the check.

Delinquent Accounts

All City Corporation bills are due upon receipt. A bill becomes delinquent 20 days from the mail date. When the bill becomes delinquent, there is a $10.00 late fee billed on the next invoice. If payment of delinquent bill is not satisfied and City Corporation is forced to disconnect services, there will be a $25.00 shut-off processing fee and security deposit required to restore services. In the case of delinquency, we mail out shut-off notices and attempt to contact using an automated dialer; therefore, it is important that the customer supply City Corporation with an updated phone number for the account. The phone number is used in the case of delinquency or for any other billing problems on the account.

Obtaining Service

In order to obtain service where the facilities are already in place, contact City Corporation to arrange turn-ons and installation of meters. It is the policy of City Corporation to turn water service on only when someone is present or a verbal liability release has been given because of the potential for water damage due to damaged pipes or fixtures. As a matter of policy, City Corporation employees DO NOT enter the customer’s home.

Customers are required to produce identification (such as Driver’s License or State issued Identification Cards), Social Security Number, Rental/Lease Agreement or Settlement Statement (Title Papers, Acceptance Papers, etc.) if purchasing home, and a mailing address and telephone number so we can contact you when necessary. All customer billing information and records remain confidential and are encrypted for security.


Rules and Regulations Regarding Deposits

City Corporation has the right to require a deposit equal to two and one-half (2 ½) times the average monthly bill for service rendered. City Corporation will refund said deposit on notice to disconnect service and after payment in full has been made for all service rendered. City Corporation will forward any deposit balance due customer to the forwarding address furnished by the customer. If this deposit balance is not deliverable because of the customer’s failure to provide the Utility with a proper forwarding address, a second attempt will be made to refund the deposit. If the second attempt to forward this balance fails, then the deposit balance in the account will be assessed a $25.00 service charge. Twenty-five dollars will also be charged each time this process is repeated until the deposit is eliminated.

City Corporation may require a deposit from any existing customer:

  1. Whose service has been discontinued for non-payment of a delinquent account
  2. Who has given two (2) invalid checks in the past twelve (12) months
  3. Who has failed to pay his bill by the due date twice within the past twelve (12) months
  4. Who has misrepresented his identity for the purpose of obtaining service
  5. Who has turned his water on again after it has been turned off for any violation of rules, installed a jumper pipe to obtain service without having paid a deposit for service or failed to pay his delinquent bill

Deposit Refund

The deposit made by a customer may be refunded even though the customer remains a customer of City Corporation, provided that the customer has: 1) a five-year historical record of prompt payment; 2) not violated any of City Corporation’s rules and regulations. City Corporation shall have no obligation to pay interest on said deposit during the time it is held by City Corporation pursuant to the deposit agreement. The deposit refund will appear as a credit on the bill.

Deposits Unnecessary

There shall be no deposit necessary for any current customer in good standing merely because of a change of service
address within the service area of City Corporation.

Helpful Hints on Finding a Leak

The most common water leak is the dripping faucet or toilet leak. To make a test, turn off all faucets and other water outlets. Find your water meter and keep watch on the leak detector on the face of the meter for ten to fifteen minutes. If the meter registers movement, then there is a leak. The size of the leak can be measured by the gpm registered on the face of the meter. Dumping some laundry bluing into the tank of a toilet after it has filled and become quiet can make a quick check for a toilet leak. If the bluing appears in the bowl before flushing, a leak is present. Visit our website, to sign-up for EyeOnWater to monitor usage and set leak alerts. Alternatively, you can sign up for EyeOnWater using this link. For more information on how to conserve or identify leaks or high usage, please call and speak to one of our knowledgeable Customer Service Representatives at (479) 968-2105.