Commercial FOG – Grease Trap Enforcement
What is FOG?
FOG refers to fats, oils, and greases that are used for cooking or are a byproduct from the cooking process. These are usually liquids that are insoluble in water and can cause stoppages in the sewer system when they are not properly disposed. These stoppages can cause backups and overflow of the sewer system that can cause environmental and public health concerns.
The average number of stoppages attributed to grease in Russellville each year
The number of Sanitary Sewer Overflows caused by grease over the past 10 years
Grease Traps or Grease Interceptors
Grease traps or Grease Interceptors are used at any FSE (food service establishment) that has the potential of discharging FOG into the sewer system. When no grease trap is present or if traps become overly full FOG is discharged into the sewer where overflows can occur in the business or in the streets as a result of stoppages. Proper use and maintenance of grease traps are the key to preventing this from happening. The traps need to be pumped at least every 90 days or less based on the amount of FOG that is discharged from the facility. Manifest or receipts should be sent to the control authority as soon as the trap is cleaned. Training employees to follow BMPs can help to reduce pumping frequency for the facility and save the facility money. FSEs must keep cleaning manifests on file for a minimum of 5 years.
Picture Provided by National Pre Cast Association
BMPs or best management practices are ways that a business or a company can help to reduce the amount of FOG that a business discharges. BMPs will include items such as employee training to help stop the amount of FOG that gets put down the drain and in turn introduced to the sewer system. Also, another BMP includes verifying that drain screens are properly installed to prevent food and other debris from entering the sewer system and insuring that employees know to never remove these screen for the purpose of sweeping debris down the drains. The drains screens should only be removed to empty any debris that has become caught in the screen into the appropriate receptacles. For a full list of BMPs and employee training logs click on the link below.